Tuesday, April 8, 2008

my first artist date

My first artist date was going to Ajahn Jumnian's event last weekend. My main intention was to be with myself and drop out of some of the emotional states I have been experiencing lately. Last quarter I explored anger and similar energies, which was really important for me, because I had a lot of it and it had been repressed for a long time. It was empowering and freeing to see that I don't have to be nice and sweet all the time, but lately I've felt like a new phase is starting and I am ready to let go of some of my edginess...
Anyway, Ajahn Jumnian was the sweetest, happiest, most expansive being I've ever been around. His energy is basically that everything is ok. There is not any contraction in his energy field at all, no "this should be different", or "this bad thing could happen". Of course, that's what enlightenment is all about, but for me to feel what it means on an energetic level was very helpful. Now that I think back to other enlightened beings I've been around, I remember that same expansiveness in their energy body, the same not trying to avoid anything, but they all have their own sort of "coloring" to that. Ajahn Jumnian's coloring is one that makes little bubbles of laughter rise up in you and you cannot help but smile, with your face and your heart. I guess he really hits you in your four top chakras.

What did all this have to do with me the artist? I felt the need for a new and deeper alignment with myself and my art, I needed to dig a deeper well to get inspiration from. And I got what I needed and more.

1 comment:

Robbyn McGill said...

So deeply personal. Thank you for opening up. Expressing our authentic truth can be a catalyst for the transformative experiences of others.
Powerful art.